Northwest District Park
Northwest District Park
118-acre park in the north central section of Chatham County. Originally a site for spiritual retreats, this heavily wooded property has several existing buildings, a pond, gravel roads and parking lots, and an athletic field.
Dining Hall (Accommodates up to 121)
Activity Center (Accommodates up to 114)
Picnic Shelter (Accommodates up to 70)
Yes: Pets are welcome. All animals must be on a leash no longer than six feet in length.
All property owned by Chatham County is tobacco-free, including e-cigarettes and chewing tobacco. Consumption of alcohol is prohibited in all park facilities. Language behaviors, actions, or excessive noise generation that is deemed to be inappropriate or otherwise detrimental to the operation of the facility, the well-being of other patrons, or is contrary to any federal, state, and/or local laws, ordinances, rules, policies, and regulations are prohibited.