McIver Landing
McIver Landing
The Triangle Land Conservancy purchased this site’s five acres of land as part of its efforts to protect the Deep River and a portion of a bottomland hardwood forest. The Conservancy partnered with the Deep River Park Association and Rock Rest Adventures to open and maintain a safe and legal canoe/kayak access point to the Deep River. The river access point is located near the unincorporated town of Gulf in the southwest section of Chatham County, at the junction of N Plank and Fayetteville Roads off US 421 South, Gulf NC 27256.
Triangle Land Conservancy Nature Preserves are located around the Triangle and open for you to explore for free, year-round, from dawn to dusk. Guided tours are available occasionally, but otherwise, tours are self-guided.
There is a bridge down to the river and very limited parking.
This site is not ADA accessible.
Pets not recommended.